Anyone can join in this dance. It does not require any special prerequisites. With the help of the training video, the dance can be practised alone or with a group in your area.


Group registration uptofaith 2023


For group registrations you can download a prepared Excel sheet here and send it to info@uptofaith·ch.

Thank you very much for your participation!


Thank you so much for being there!

You can start practising now with the help of the training video. If you would like to join an existing dance group, you can contact us by e-mail. We will put you in touch with a group. We all want to bear the costs for the rental of the dance floor, the music system etc. together. We ask all participants for a contribution towards expenses of 20 Swiss francs (guideline amount). Please transfer your contribution after your registration directly to the uptofaith postal account or give it to your group leader.



Postal account (IBAN): CH 55 0900 0000 6062 4498 5


uptofaith Switzerland

Thank you for your support! We are also grateful for additional donations.